The series follows Sookie Stackhouse, a barmaid living in Louisiana who can read people's minds, and how her life is turned upside down when the Vampire Bill, walks into her place of employment two years after vampires 'came out of the coffin' on national television.
Episode Name: And When I Die
Summary: In the fourth-season finale, Sookie taps into Bon Temps' spiritual past on Samhain, a Wiccan festival, for help in her battle with Marnie's latest incarnation. Meanwhile, Lafayette's recent medium encounter spells trouble for his relationship with Jesus; Terry has a surprise visitor at Merlotte's; Alcide makes a romantic proclamation; Debbie has a confrontation with Tara and Sookie; and Nan's authority has its limits after all.
True Blood Season 4, Episode 12 True Blood Sea4Epi12 True Blood S4E12 True Blood S04E12 True Blood s4e12 True Blood s04e12 True Blood S4xE12 True Blood S04xE12 True Blood s4xe12 True Blood s04xe12 True Blood 4x12
WATCH! True Blood Season 4, Episode 12 Sea4Epi12 S4E12 S04E12 s4e12 s04e12 S4xE12 S04xE12 s4xe12 s04xe12 4x12