Based on the British reality program of the same name, "Masterchef Australia" airs from Sunday through to Friday. The contestants will be led through challenges by host Sarah Wilson which will give chefs from around the country the ultimate once in a lifetime opportunity to develop and broaden their cooking skills. Their weekly challenges include; off-site challenge, mystery box, celebrity chef challenge and masterclass. Each week there will be two eliminations; one decided by the contestants, and the other by the judges.
Masterchef Australia Season 4, Episode 26 Masterchef Australia Sea4Epi26 Masterchef Australia S4E26 Masterchef Australia s4e26 Masterchef Australia S04E26 Masterchef Australia s04e26 Masterchef Australia S4xE26 Masterchef Australia s4xe26 Masterchef Australia S04xE26 Masterchef Australia s04xe26 Masterchef Australia 4x26
Episode Name: Offsite Challenge: Tasmania
The contestants travel toTasmania to take part in a market stall competition, where they are split into four teams. The teams have to run their own take away market stall and make their own unique dish to sell.