The Killing is based on the wildly successful Danish television series Forbrydelsen and tells the story of the murder of a young girl in Seattle and the subsequent police investigation. The Killing ties together three distinct stories around a single murder including the detectives assigned to the case, the victim's grieving family, and the suspects. Set in Seattle, the story also explores local politics as it follows politicians connected to the case. As the series unfolds, it becomes clear that there are no accidents; everyone has a secret, and while the characters think they've moved on, their past isn't done with them.
Episode Name: Bulldog
Summary: A return to the casino winds up sending Sarah and Holder on the run, while Stan and Richmond face life-altering decisions.
The Killing Season 2, Episode 11 The Killing Sea2Epi11 The Killing S2E11 The Killing s2e11 The Killing S02E11 The Killing s02e11 The Killing S2xE11 The Killing s2xe11 The Killing S02xE11 The Killing s02xE11 The Killing 2x11
WATCH! The Killing Season 2, Episode 11 Sea2Epi11 S2E11 s2e11 S02E11 s02e11 S2xE11 s2xe11 S02xE11 s02xE11 2x11