This season, "Basketball Wives" continues to explore the drama, intrigue, and delicate relationships found among a unique cross section of women bound by one fact: each has been married to, the fiancé of, or in love with, a professional ball player.
Episode Name: Reunion (Part 1)
Summary:Host John Salley officiates Part 1 of a two-part reunion featuring the basketball wives citing Season 4's dramas and antics. Topics include the friction between Evelyn and Jennifer, plus Tami's behavior in Tahiti.
Basketball Wives Season 4 Episode 16 Sea4Epi16 Basketball Wives S4E16 Basketball Wives s4e16 Basketball Wives S04E16 Basketball Wives s04e16 Basketball Wives S4xE16 Basketball Wives s4xe16 Basketball Wives S04xE16 Basketball Wives s04xe16 Basketball Wives 4x16
WATCH! Basketball Wives Season 4 Episode 16 Sea4Epi16 S4E16 s4e16 S04E16 s04e16 S4xE16 s4xe16 S04xE16 s04xe16 4x16